Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Review of Monster in the Dark (box set) by Pepper Winters

On my ULTIMATE FAVE series list!!!!!
It's hard for me to write reviews especially on my favorite books because I don't think I can do them justice. 

This series is one of my ULTIMATE faves. The series consists of Tears of Tess, Quintessentially Q and Twisted Together. Right now Pepper is writing a fourth book, Je Suis a Toi, for the series which is supposed to be a novella, but I have a feeling it will be full length. I can't wait!

How can I describe these books. Dark, erotic, haunting, captivating, AMAZING!!!! They pushed my boundaries on what I considered erotic. Yes, they are hot, but there is a love story there that sucked me in. I am so in love with Q, Tess and Pepper! I FLOVE everything this woman writes!

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